Jun 14, 2022
It’s Garden Time
Jeff Gibson
Ball Seed Landscape Business Manager
By now, the vast majority of the North American landscape trade have gotten all those annuals and perennials into jobsites and clients’ yards.
Let the fun begin!
No, not the weeding and watering … more along the line of gathering with your peers at landscape professional functions. Attending your local “N.L.A.” (nursery and landscape association) summer meeting as a group outing allows you and the crews some much-needed time to re-charge.
To that end, allow me to extend an invitation to The Gardens at Ball in West Chicago, Ill.

Ball Seed invites all of you and your teams to our 2022 Ball Seed Customer Days, Thursday, July 28, and Friday, July 29, 2022. Come see all the latest and greatest NEW PLANTS for landscapes and containers. It’s a wonderful way to get inspiration and talk to breeder experts.
Look for the NEW series of Solarscape Interspecific Impatiens that have durability for the sun, and the NEW series of Hula Spreading Begonias for amazing coverage in the ground.

For containers, check out the color extension of the tried-and-true Dragon Wing Begonia series – Dragon Wing White. And there are more pre-mixed colors in the downy mildew resistant Beacon Impatiens line.

We are looking forward to hosting you in our gardens. Click here to register you and your team and to see the full agenda of opportunities. We hope to see you there!