Spring Matrix™ Clear Mixture Pansy
Product Details
Scientific Name : Viola x wittrockiana
Common Name : Large-Flowered Pansy
Hardiness Degree : -10°F (-23.3°C)
Blooming Season : Early Spring, Spring, Autumn, Winter
Plant Habit : Mounded
Characteristics : Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Winter Interest (regional), Fragrant Flowers, Frost Tolerant
Water : Medium
Fertilize : Every two weeks
Spacing : 6-8" (15-20cm)
Height : 8" (20cm)
Width : 8-10" (20-25cm)
Exposure : Partial Sun, Sun
General Information : Large, thick-petaled, 3-in./8-cm flowers are held beautifully over the foliage on strong, sturdy stems.
Produces more flowers per plant than other pansies to create high-impact landscapes and containers.
Idea &Tips : Plant in full to partial sun in early Spring or Fall for best performance.
In some climates, pansies planted in Fall will overwinter and rebloom the next Spring.