Each year, hundreds of new plants are introduced to the horticulture industry. Your choices for hard-working perennials to help your customers build quality landscape designs expand with every new season. But how can you cut through all of the noise and really focus in on the best-performing, most-exciting perennials?
Let's leave it to the experts!
To help you pinpoint the plants you really need to pay attention to in 2023, there is a free webinar this week Thursday, January 26 at 12:00 pm CST where you can hear from two perennial industry mavens that have seen them all in-action. Sign up for the webinar here featuring Darwin Perennials' Darren Barshaw and Walters Gardens' Kata Kress Wallace as they explore "30 Perennials You Are Missing in 2023 (and why you should grow them)".
Busy that day? Sign up anyway! You'll get notice of the full recording when the event is complete.
To learn more about the speakers, visit www.darwinperennials.com.

Topic: 30 Perennials You Are Missing in 2023 (and why you should grow them)
Date/Time: Jan 26, 2023 12:00 pm Central Time (US and Canada)
Cost: FREE
RSVP: https://ballhort.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqd-yvrzIrHtJncdXKb0-agq8iw9JJJUDA